We have also created technological solutions for the largest science and amusement park in Slovenia, Tehnopark Celje. We have contributed our expertise to the development of software for diverse and unique exhibits.
During your visit to the science and amusement park, you can experience the exhibits in action and in a fun way:
- measure your heart rate,
- check your reflexes,
- calculate how healthy your diet is,
- learn the world's languages,
- print money with your own face on it,
- make a purchase in the children's shop with unique money,
- see how unique we are in this world,
- create a short animated film that you can download to your phone,
- film yourself cycling through the city of Celje in front of a green screen, etc.

>> Some of our solutions
Infrared camera
We use an infrared camera (sometimes called a thermal camera) to record visitors. They can see their image in real time on a large screen. They can see which part of their body is warmer and which is colder. The aim of the exhibit is for visitors to learn about their own body temperature. The exhibit can be used by 3 to 5 visitors at the same time.

Green screen

Visitors stand in front of a large green wall in front of which a camera takes their picture. They can choose a background on the screen and create their own film. On three large screens they can see themselves in front of the green key, the background and both together.
Using green screen technology, they can film themselves cycling through the city of Celje. They can send the film to their email address or download it to their smartphone.
Calories in diet
Visitors can easily calculate their daily calorie intake from a wide range of foods. They can then use the calculator to find the difference between their calorie consumption at rest and in motion. They can choose between different daily and sporting activities and find out the difference in calorie consumption between men and women.

These are just a few of the solutions we have introduced in Technopark Celje. You'll have to come to Celje for a trip into science, but you can come to us for smart solutions.