
Naša ponudba je zelo široka. Z razvojem strojne in programske opreme ustvarjamo celostne poslovne rešitve na področju sledenja, telemetrije in IoT.

1. Ponudba celostnih poslovnih rešitev

We improve the quality and efficiency of your business, whatever your sector or service, with innovative solutions to automate control functions, operational management and workflows.

Ponujamo kvalitetne rešitve na področjih:

Vehicle and cargo tracking
Time and attendance registration
E-appointment system
Payment systems in vending machines

2. Ponudba rešitev po naročilu

If you cannot find a suitable solution, we will develop it for you!

As the only company in Slovenia in this field, we have our own in-house development and production of both hardware and software. This allows us to design and implement a complete customised solution according to your wishes and needs.

With our experience, knowledge and partner connections, we have created a large circle of satisfied customers who have built effective and reliable solutions in a wide range of areas with our help.

We can help you create a success story, a value added service that reflects your competitive advantage. Sign up for a free consultation, where we will show you how we work and create a suitable solution.

3. Druge celostne poslovne rešitve

3.1. Telekomunikacije

Ponujamo napredne komunikacijske rešitve proizvajalca Auerswald. Vse od IP telefonije, mobilnih telefonov, aplikacij, oblačnih rešitev, sistema “sestrski klic” do sistema, namenjenega za klice v sili iz dvigala.

3.2. IoT

Ker obvladamo mobilno komunikacijo in senzoriko, hkrati pa naše izdelke odlikuje vzdržljivost in odpornost, smo za naslednje leto (Q3 2024) predvideli novo linijo izdelkov, ki smo jo poimenovali »BLACKBLOX.IoT«. Obsegala bo senzorje temperature, vlage, senzorja nivoja padavin in kakovosti zraka, senzorje prometa, itd. Komunicirali bodo preko tehnologij 5G (Narrowband, Cat5M) delovali pa na baterije z večletno avtonomijo. Da bomo univerzalno povezljivi, uporabljamo protokole MQTT…