Privacy policy for mobile applications

The privacy policy for mobile applications defines how data is collected, its purposes, security measures and your rights.

1. Explanation and definition of terms

Capitalised words below have a defined meaning. The following definitions shall have the same meaning whether they are in the singular or plural.

  • Account means a unique account created for you to access our App or parts of our App.
  • The application refers to BLACKBLOX applications, the software for which is provided by the company.
  • Device means any device that can access the app, such as a computer, mobile phone or digital tablet.
  • The Company (referred to in this Policy as "the Company", "we", "us" or "our") refers to Blackblox Ltd, Mijavčeva ulica 16, 1291 Škofljica.
  • You (referred to in this Policy as "you", "you", "your" or "user") means the individual who accesses or uses the App, or the company or other legal entity on whose behalf that individual accesses or uses the App.
  • Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.
  • Service refers to the App.
  • Service provider means any natural or legal person who processes data on behalf of an undertaking. It refers to third party companies or individuals engaged by the Company to enable the Service, provide the Service on the Company's behalf, perform services related to the Service or assist the Company in analysing the use of the Service.

2. Protection of personal data

At Blackblox Ltd, we understand and support the importance of the privacy of our customers' data. Our Mobile Privacy Policy defines the collection methods, purposes, security measures and your rights. We treat all personal information you provide to us fairly and protect it carefully in accordance with applicable Slovenian and European GDPR regulations and our company's principles and vision.

To help you understand how and what data we collect, store and process, and what your rights are in relation to it, we have prepared the following policy.

Only carefully selected employees of Blackblox d.o.o. can access your personal data. We use your personal data to provide and improve the application. By using the App, you acknowledge that you accept and agree to the entire content of this Privacy Policy.

3. Who manages your personal data?

In accordance with the principles set out in the privacy policy for mobile applications, the controller of your personal data is Blackblox Ltd, Mijavčeva ulica 16, 1291 Škofljica, Slovenia, Europe, tax number: SI 71393897 (the company is a taxable person), registration number: 5997321000, registered with the District Court of Ljubljana on 10.02.1997, the company's entry number in the court register is 12890300, business account opened with NOVA KBM d.d., Ulica Vita Kraigherja 4, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, IBAN SI56 0400 1004 8040 694, SWIFT: KBMASI2X.

We are committed to a lawful and fair approach to the processing of personal data, which includes restricting access to data.

4. BLACKBLOX applications

Our privacy and data protection policy applies to mobile applications made by our company. These are the following applications:

5. What data do we collect?

When using our applications, we may ask you to provide us with certain personal information that may be used to contact or identify you. We collect and store the following information for further use and processing in accordance with the principles set out in our Privacy Policy:

  • account details,
  • data collected when using the app.

5.1. Account details

If you create an account in the app, we collect certain information needed for the account. The information you provide to us in relation to your account is:
  • name and surname,
  • username,
  • password,
  • email address.

5.2. Data collected during the use of the App

In the course of using Our App, we may, with your prior permission, collect the following in order to provide features of Our App:

  • Information about your location

We use this information to provide features and to improve and customise Our App. The information may be uploaded to the company's and/or service provider's servers or simply stored on your device.

You can enable or disable access to this information at any time in your device settings.

6. Purposes of the processing of personal data and legal basis

The company may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To provide and maintain our app, including monitoring the use of our app.
  • To manage your account, or to manage your registration as a user of the app. The personal data you provide may allow you to access various functionalities of the App that are available to you as a registered user.
  • To contact you or to contact you by email, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication, such as mobile app push notifications, regarding updates or informational messages related to features, products or contracted services, including security updates, where necessary or reasonable to do so.
  • To manage your requests or to respond to and implement your requests that you have sent to us.
  • To meet our legal and financial obligations.

We may disclose your personal data in the following cases:

  • To comply with the law. We may share information to facilitate legal proceedings based on lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements as permitted by law.
  • With your consent. We may share information with third parties if we have your consent.

7. How long do we keep your personal data?

We will protect your personal data as long as there is an interest/need to do so or until you withdraw your consent. In cases where the processing and retention of data is based on a contract or is provided for by law, the retention period will be adapted to the contract or law.

If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the data entered is untrue, we reserve the right to delete it from all databases without notice.

8. Disclosure of your personal data

A company may disclose your personal data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

  • Compliance with legal obligations.
  • To protect and defend the rights or property of a company.
  • Preventing or investigating possible irregularities with the app.
  • Protecting the personal safety of users of the app or the public.
  • Protection from legal liability.

9. Security of your personal data

The security of your personal data is very important to us, but please remember that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure. 

Although we are committed to the security of your data and strive to use commercially reasonable means to protect your personal data, due to various factors beyond our control, we may not be able to guarantee its complete security. The flow of information over the Internet will not always be completely secure and consistent with our operations. Please use caution when entering information that you send to us through online forms and please do so responsibly.

10. What are your rights?

You have the right to request at any time, without justification or consequence, that we complete, rectify or restrict the use of your data or that we permanently remove it from our database. You may also request access to or object to the processing of your personal data and request the transfer of your data. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until its withdrawal. If you believe that your personal data is stored or processed in breach of the applicable regulations governing the protection of personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia.

Requests to amend or delete your personal data can be made in the following way, clearly stating the content of your request:

  • send your request in writing by email to
Once we receive your request, we will process it within 5 working days.


If you have any further questions about your personal data or wish to withdraw your consent, you can always contact us at

11. Publication of amendments

The privacy policy for mobile applications may be updated from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. We will notify you by email and/or by prominent notice in Our App before the change becomes effective and will update the "Last Updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly to check for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when posted on this page.

The Privacy Policy of Blackblox Ltd shall enter into force on 1. 7. 2023.

Last update: 14.7.2023.

12. Contact details

You can always contact us if you have any further questions about your personal data or if you have any questions and/or comments about our policy. 

Our company contact details are:

- Blackblox Ltd

– Mijavčeva ulica 16

– 1291 Škofljica

– Slovenija

– Website:

- E-mail:

- Telephone number: +386 (0)1 236 48 80